HippoScore provides the scores and parts of the best music from video games for your live concert performances.
The video game music repertoire is as colourful and wide-ranging as the games themselves. The scores to the music however are almost never available through a music publisher, they need to be researched individually, the rights holders need to be identified and the material needs to be licensed for the performance. Getting an overview of what music from what games is available in which instrumentation, where you can find the scores and at what conditions they can be licensed is usually connected with a huge effort in research and time. Here I bring in my long experience in the game music field and help you with selecting, obtaining and licensing the right game music for your concerts.
With HippoScore I have access to scores from hundreds of pieces and concert suites from the best video game soundtracks, which I provide in close cooperation with the composers and video game publishers.
The instrumentation ranges from solo piano to string quartet to jazz combo to full orchestra, sometimes plus choir, soloists and special instruments. The majority of the repertoire is for full orchestra instrumentation. I also offer to create new concert arrangements and transcriptions, if the requested material doesn’t yet exist.
Since the scores and parts are usually not publicly available, it is necessary to licence the material directly from the (sometimes various) rights holders and to obtain permissions. When you request a title through HippoScore, I will contact the rights holders for necessary permissions.
If you are looking for a specific title for your concert performance, if you need inspiration and advice for the selection of the best fitting music for your concert performance, or if you just want a more detailed insight into the repertoire that is available through HippoScore, I look forward to your message.